Posts for shopping

Why is Bangkok Known as the City of Angels?

Asia, Blog, Destinations, Thailand - GoroadTrip - February 5, 2019

Bangkok is regularly the initial stop of the travelers visiting Thailand. This city, which is otherwise called “the city of Angels” offers such an enormous amount to do and see, a whole vacation could without much of a stretch be spent merely here. Bangkok is likewise known by its local name ‘Krung the’ which implies as the ‘city of Angels.’ Continue Reading

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Six Best Shopping Spots in Langkawi

Blog, Destinations - GoroadTrip - February 2, 2019

Langkawi attraction center of being an international Shopping hub with the calm beaches and vast mountains. This has uniquely given travelers the best reasons to visit this tropical island. Under its duty-free status, the island has a large concentration of shopping malls and retail outlets that stock large shopping items from all over the world. From cigarettes, liquor and chocolates to luggage, apparel, perfumes, and cooking utensils, they have all-in-all. However, with this Langkawi managed to become a shopping destination among Malaysians as well as foreign tourists. Continue Reading

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